Manus x Machina Met Gala show – Selena Gomez, Olsen Twins feat. The Use tracks

Esteemed Video Director GVS chose The Use track “Hello Everybody” for the Vogue Louis Vuitton ManusxMachina Show Met Gala. License these tracks at Audiosocket, or commission your own at ALL REAL SOUND. @selenagomez in @louisvuitton in the #ManusxMachina Experience. Directed by @gvsgvs. #MetGala A post shared by Vogue (@voguemagazine) on May 2, 2016 at 10:20pm PDT Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen in the #ManusxMachina Experience. Directed by @gvsgvs. #MetGala A post shared by Vogue (@voguemagazine) on May 3, 2016 at 12:37am PDT

Exclusive Video Premier on The Wire Magazine

New York label Alrealon Musique offered up this track for The Wire’s Below The Radar special compilation series. Watch TheUse’s exclusive video here TheUse is theremin player and electronic music producer Michael Durek, who released his debut album What’s The Use? on Alrealon Musique in 2014. His work incorporates elements of techno, jazz, hiphop and psych pop. TheUse has toured the US, Europe, India and Canada. This exclusive video was directed by Durek’s cousin Brian Bolanowski and mastered by All Real Sound. The track is available for subscribers to download as part of The Wire Below The Radar Special Edition: …

Year to date

 already June | some comings and goings this year … The latest Below The Radar, compiled by Alrealon Musique, available for subscribers on CD+DL — The Wire Magazine (@thewiremagazine) December 15, 2015 Moogfesting with Pau Riba, @moonribas @theusemusic and Daniel Lock #durham #moogfest #musicfestival #music #pauriba #moog A photo posted by Neil Harbisson (@neilharbisson) on May 20, 2016 at 10:32pm PDT @theusemusic @transpecos #theremin A photo posted by Excepter (@exceptergram) on Mar 20, 2016 at 1:36pm PDT #TheUse at #nightofthebrokenhardbeats #michaeldurek #theremin #vibrato @theusemusic @ableton @outtoseeny fest #electronicmusic #broken #hard #beats #southstreetseaport A video posted by Alrealon Musique …