7 Personal Details hidden in the Semantix video

Some personal details embedded in the The Wire premier of Semantix, created by Brian Bolanowski This is a painting that my wife Anne Percoco slightly doctored up to look like our beloved recently deceased cat, Mrs. Mindy Hussein Lebowski aka “Satch”. The sweet thing had lots of names. We miss her. In the background is a lamp that Anne made out of a large Cafe Bustelo can.  It’s my favorite espresso, I even prefer it to brands that are 4 times as expensive. In the background is a peculiar ornate pillow.  It is actually apart of Anne’s sculpture, Canopy This is a painting that …

Year to date

 already June | some comings and goings this year … The latest Below The Radar, compiled by Alrealon Musique, available for subscribers on CD+DL https://t.co/T9572ww7KC pic.twitter.com/MMGtQSkiom — The Wire Magazine (@thewiremagazine) December 15, 2015 Moogfesting with Pau Riba, @moonribas @theusemusic and Daniel Lock #durham #moogfest #musicfestival #music #pauriba #moog A photo posted by Neil Harbisson (@neilharbisson) on May 20, 2016 at 10:32pm PDT @theusemusic @transpecos #theremin A photo posted by Excepter (@exceptergram) on Mar 20, 2016 at 1:36pm PDT #TheUse at #nightofthebrokenhardbeats #michaeldurek #theremin #vibrato @theusemusic @ableton @outtoseeny fest #electronicmusic #broken #hard #beats #southstreetseaport A video posted by Alrealon Musique …